Custom Engagement Ring: What Makes it The Right Choice?

24 October 2022

An engagement is a lovely occasion that merits lots of attention from people to make it a grand event. A couple must make the best decision while selecting the ideal engagement ring. Since the value of an engagement ring in a particular event cannot be quantified, buying one is time-consuming and thought-intensive.

So how do you complete the engagement ring shopping process? For starters, you can select from a wide range of available items with the assistance of reputable jewellers like Ken Ross Jewellers. Custom engagement rings are another unusual alternative to this traditional way of purchasing rings. Here are some reasons why the idea of custom engagement rings has become increasingly popular in recent years:

It’s Custom-Made for You and Your Partner

Simply put, you cannot get the custom-made experience we provide if you select an engagement ring that has already been created. Yes, you might achieve the ideal shape, but is the ring width also ideal? The stone, what about it? Do you desire an engraved item?

A custom-built engagement ring is always the best option to ensure long-term satisfaction. It’s like buying a house: finding one that checks all the boxes for you and your partner is possible.

It’s Much More Cost-Effective

Are you worried that a custom ring will be outrageously expensive? Don’t be. Although custom engagement rings can be slightly more expensive up front, they’ll save you money in the long run.

Mass-produced engagement rings are not made with the same level of quality and care. This implies that future jewellery repair will be necessary. Even worse, you might eventually need to replace the ring entirely. With a custom ring, you only pay for the specific features you desire; nothing more, nothing less. As a result, you won’t have to make compromises over price to get the precise combination of details you want.

You’ll Have Access to a Wider Variety of Stones

Although we adore traditional diamond engagement rings, many brides might prefer something a little different. While moissanite has gained popularity as an alternative to diamonds, more striking options are always available, such as sapphire, aquamarine, morganite, emerald, ruby, and amethyst.

We strongly advise experimenting with different precious stones if custom engagement rings are on your radar. When it comes to a ring that has an impact, this can mean the world.

It’s Significantly More Sentimental

There is no disputing the fact that a custom ring is unquestionably more sentimental than one chosen from a display case. When you’re ready to buy, a custom ring will always get you a better response when you propose. Sure, looking at rings online is great for inspiration. You can’t beat a custom engagement ring, whether for a sentimental engraving or just for your partner to know that you made the ring yourself.

We hope we can persuade you that choosing a custom-made engagement ring is a great option. Going above and beyond is sure to be appreciated with such a significant question and special time in your life.

Call Ken Ross Jewellers at (03) 9885 1833 today if you’re prepared to create a unique engagement ring, or click here to make an appointment.

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