With Christmas just around the corner why not start considering your fine jewelry options

14 October 2014

The jewellery trade can be dated back to 2400BC starting in Egypt and Greece then moved on to the European countries in 1200BC. Wearing jewellery became a part of everyday life giving way to goldsmiths with diamonds taking the lead just as is seen in our modern societies still today. Every time a piece of jewellery is constructed history comes with it as the same metals and gems are being used today for our jewellery as was used era’s ago. […]

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Don’t wait until Christmas to get the perfect piece of jewelry

16 September 2014

Giving a treasurable gift to the superstar you love as a symbol of warmth has no perfect time like the present, so why wait to show how you feel? Our time is valuable and we do not know what the future might hold in-store for us so why wait to give someone a gift of love. Ever heard the saying ‘There’s no time like the present’ well it is more true than most people will admit. Our lives are filled […]

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The difference in a jewelry purchase and a jewelry investment

10 September 2014

When buying or investing in jewelry for that matter people can be meticulous. Buying jewelry should be done carefully and wisely. Depending upon what your intentions are when buying jewel pieces you can make money or even lose money in the process. Just because you buy jewelry does not mean it is going to be a good investment in the long run. Investment depends upon price, quality and quantity. When buying jewelry it is mainly done out of love or […]

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Tips to finding that perfect piece of jewelry

12 August 2014

The perfect piece of jewelry can be quite elusive. This is especially true if you are a collector or investor. However finding the perfect piece of jewelry for her can be a whole lot tougher. After all, you already know what catches your eye, but what piece will do the same for her? Many times it comes down to building connections, and who better than Ken Ross Jewellers? Here are a few tips for finding the perfect piece of jewelry […]

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Beginner’s Guide to Major Watch Brands

04 August 2014

When it comes to the major watch bands you are making a real investment, so knowing what constitutes the best is really important. It is highly debated which is the best, and truly it seems to be a matter of personal choice. Each one has its own attributes. Rolex will be touched on a bit more throughout this beginners guide, but that is only because they are a long standing and trusted brand that seem to be the yardstick by […]

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